Friday, 27 December 2013

“Oh the weather outside it frightful…”

A couple of Sunday mornings ago...... I was filled with excitement as I watched the first snow of the year, fall from the sky. I was filled with gratitude, because after living in Idaho for the past nine years of my life I have become accustomed to a white Christmas. But as a missionary, with the snow comes uncertainty…. I heard this rumor about Virginia that when it snows... EVERYTHING shuts down.
I really thought that it was only a rumor.  
Sunday proved me wrong.
As the snow continued to fall and we were advised not to drive on the roads, Sister Loar and I decided we would knock doors.
We knocked…
… and knocked
….. and knocked.

Surprisingly we don’t get very many doors slammed in our face, but door after door we hear something like, “Sorry, not interested” or  “No, I already have a church”.  As missionaries, our purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I try to be BOLD and show people how very important this gospel is but the words never come out right.

The door that stood out to me that day, was a door with a man behind it....he was probably in his 30's and he had a southern accent. He opened the door, we introduced ourselves, and he said, "Ya'll, just go home, it's cold outside and no one wants to hear it." He then shut the door without another word, and we continued onto the next door and I hope he saw through his peep hole that we did so. I hope something stirred in his heart, and told him that somewhere there is someone who not only wants to hear what we have to say, but needs to hear what we have to say.

I wish I would have said...... . I know that what we go around sharing everyday IS IMPORTANT and that it will change your life. Maybe you feel comfortable, or satisfied with your life, but I know that no matter how much money or friends or faith you have.... none of that is as valuable as what I have come to share with you today. I would love to share it with you, and if you do not want to hear it, that is okay...but I'm not going to go home just because its cold outside and I feel discouraged. I know that what I am doing is important. I know that it is the Lords work.

Something like that.......

-Sister Eddy

Thursday, 26 December 2013

What I Wish I Could Say....

As a Missionary I often miss out on opportunities to say or do something....mostly because of my fears. 
I have realized that deep down, I am an introvert. I have lots of extrovert qualities, but the root of me is an introvert. That is something I have definitely become aware of while serving a mission and knocking lots of doors. 

I have decided the best way to get over this is recognize those experiences, write them down, and be better next time!
Crazy missionary stories soon to come.....

-Sister Eddy

Wednesday, 11 December 2013


1.a. To trip and almost fall
b. To proceed unsteadily

I have been thinking a lot about stumbling lately….
We have all stumbled once or twice in our lives. If you are anything like me, you probably stumble at least once or twice per day.
 I stumble over my feet.
 I stumble over my words.
And sometimes I stumble over curbs. 
(My sad attempt at poetry)
All joking aside, these are all physical examples of stumbling that occur on a regular basis, but the stumbling that has been on my mind is mental and spiritual stumbling. 
What causes us to stumble spiritually?
The scriptures often mention stumbling blocks.
A stumbling block is a trial or an affliction that causes us to stumble.
If we all took a moment to think of things in our lives that we would consider to be a stumbling block, I’m sure we could all jot down a significantly long list. I am not the only human that is great at finding flaws in life, right?

There are two different kinds of stumbling blocks I have identified in the scriptures.
#1 Personal stumbling blocks: Things we bring upon ourselves, that set us back and get in the way of our progression in life.
#2 Divine stumbling blocks: A trial that God allows us to come upon in order for us to learn and grow, and depending on how we deal with it, will determine whether it sets us back or not.

The hope I find in stumbling, is that stumbling is tripping and ALMOST falling. There will be stumbling blocks in our lives, but we do not have to fail or fall!  Trials will slow us down, but they will not stop us on our progression toward our hopes and dreams. We can move forward and although our stride may be unsteady, it will grow stronger as we continue forward.

I know that we were sent to this Earth to learn and to grow. 
I know there will almost always be stumbling blocks in our way. 
Life isn't easy. 
But I know also know that we can find strength in Jesus Christ. 
I know that because of His love and His infinite Atonement, we do not have to fall.

-Sister Madeline Eddy